Articles on: Creating Workflows & Managing Conversations

Adding Filters - Link clicked event

The link clicked event allows you to directly update a field of your database with the links that have been clicked and record the IP addresses from where they were linked.

When activating a communication, PayrollTrace allows you to add a filter to your communications to identify the link and the IP address from which the click was made. To effectively use this filter you must:

Enter Conversation Manager

Access a conversation or create a new one

Create the first two nodes of your conversation and and click on the filter funnel icon

Configure a Opened Link filter

Configure the action after the filter
In the node update window you can add simply update the field in the database with any value you type. It is also possible to add these specific labels that will update de fields in the Database with information of the IP address and any additional response data from the URL clicked:

$f{ipAddress} for recording the IP from where the action was performed
$f{additionalData} for recording any data coming from the URL of the link that was clicked

‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã6. You will have to create additional fields in the BD to store the data for opened link and the IP address

Updated on: 09/02/2024

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