Articles on: Feedback & Inbound Management

Assigning a theme to a webform

You can read the article below or watch a video tutorial

Themes allow you to give web forms the look you want, using your company image, corporate colors, etc.

Select the web form you want to edit from the Inbound Manager menu.

Click on the paintbrush icon

A submenu will be displayed showing the sections that you can modify: logo, backgrounds, fonts, borders, shadows and buttons.

Click on the submenu section you want to edit and then click on the circles identified by letters to edit each section.

Add a logo or a banner to your theme. The maximum width for this image should be 640 pixels.

Once you are finished editing all the sections click on save theme and add a name for your theme.

Now your theme has been created, but has not been assigned yet to your web form. Click on change theme

Select the name of your preffered theme from the list.

Click on the view web form button to visualize you new customized form

To use your web form embedded into a webpage click on Get integration code and select either simple link, embedded code or popup window. Copy/paste the code in the textbox into your webpage html code, or simply take the URL from the simple link code. This URL is already public and it is ready to be used.

Updated on: 09/02/2024

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