Articles on: Employees Contact Lists

Creating Contact Lists

DANAconnect provides users with a powerful tool for creating and managing contact lists. This feature is essential for organizing your audience and ensuring that your communications are targeted and effective.

How to create a contact list:

Access the Contact Lists section: From the main dashboard, navigate to the "Contact Lists" area.

Click on "Create New List": Find the option to create a new list, usually at the top of the page.

Name your list: Give your contact list a descriptive name that reflects its purpose.

Add contacts: You can manually enter contacts, import them from a file, or sync with other systems to populate your list.

Segment your list (optional): Use filters and criteria to segment your contacts within the list for more precise targeting.

Save your list: Once you've added your contacts and configured any necessary settings, save the list for use in your campaigns.

Creating well-organized contact lists is key to successful communication campaigns, allowing you to reach the right people with the right message.

Updated on: 09/03/2024

Updated on: 09/13/2024

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