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Frequently Asked Questions About DKIM (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance)

Articles on: FAQs

IMPORTANT: Starting February 2024, all emails sent through DANAconnect must be authenticated with DKIM to improve security and deliverability. |||

What is DKIM?

DKIM (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that allows a domain to take responsibility for an email message by attaching a digital signature to it. This helps verify that the email has not been altered during transit and confirms the sender's identity.

Why is DKIM important?

Improves email deliverability: Emails authenticated with DKIM are more likely to reach the recipient's inbox rather than being marked as spam.

Protects against phishing: DKIM helps prevent unauthorized senders from spoofing your domain to send fraudulent emails.

Enhances domain reputation: Consistently using DKIM can improve your domain's reputation, leading to better overall email performance.

How to set up DKIM with DANAconnect:

Access your DNS settings: To implement DKIM, you need to add a DKIM record to your domain's DNS settings.

Generate DKIM keys: DANAconnect provides a tool to generate the necessary DKIM keys for your domain.

Add the DKIM record to your DNS: Copy the DKIM key provided by DANAconnect and add it as a TXT record in your DNS settings.

Verify and test: Once the DKIM record is added, verify that it is correctly configured and test to ensure emails are being signed properly.

Using DKIM is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of your email communications.

Updated on: 09/03/2024

Updated on: 09/13/2024

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