Articles on: Security and Compliance

Spam Score

A Spam Score is an evaluation that determines the likelihood of an email being classified as spam by the recipient's mail server. It is considered spam if it contains elements that are commonly associated with unsolicited or harmful emails.

How the Spam Score is determined:

Content analysis: The email's content is analyzed for keywords, phrases, and formatting that are commonly found in spam.
Reputation check: The sender's domain and IP address reputation are evaluated based on past behaviors, such as previous spam reports.
Compliance with best practices: The email is checked against best practices for email marketing, including the use of proper headers, opt-out options, and valid contact information.

How to reduce your Spam Score:

- Avoid spammy language: Refrain from using phrases like "Free," "Limited Time Offer," or excessive exclamation points.
- Use a reputable sender domain: Ensure your domain has a good reputation and has not been blacklisted.
- Follow email best practices: Include clear unsubscribe options, use proper formatting, and maintain a clean contact list.

Keeping your Spam Score low is crucial for ensuring your emails reach the inbox and are not filtered out as spam.

Updated on: 09/03/2024

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