Articles on: Creating Workflows & Managing Conversations

What are the SPAM WARNING and SPAM DETECTED alarms when a conversation is activated?

Our mailing platform has an alert system that informs you about the performance of your contact list when it is first activated in a conversation. These warning messages are related to the number of emails that bounce during sending.


When you activate your communication, the mailing system begins to monitor the response of email providers and ISPs (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, among others). When these servers start reporting Hard Bounces (non-existent mailboxes), our system measures the percentage of this type of response. Once a 14% rate is reached, an alarm called “SPAM WARNING” is triggered, which you can see in the reports of your communication. At this point, your sending is temporarily paused, waiting for automatic confirmations from the servers receiving your communication. If the percentage remains the same or decreases, our system continues sending, and the warning notice may even disappear.


If, on the contrary, the number of bounced emails exceeds and reaches 16%, the system completely stops the email sending and displays a “SPAM DETECTED” message. This alert generated by our system indicates that your communication has reached the blocking level by the email recipient servers. To prevent the definitive blocking of your sending domain and email addresses by ISPs (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.), PayrollTrace implements a preventive block of the conversation and the contact list. This conversation block lasts for 72 hours. During this 72-hour period, the user (and the entire account) will be unable to activate a new campaign or other conversations with the same contact list.

PayrollTrace preventively blocks the conversation for 72 hours if the contact list exceeds a 16% bounce rate. This is necessary to prevent affecting the delivery capability of your IP addresses and domain name.

Important: The user should NOT reactivate the same conversation that triggered a SPAM WARNING or SPAM DETECTED alert. It is very important that if you receive any of these alarms, do not reactivate with the same contact list, as you will get the same results and could block your conversation. The best way to resolve a spam alert is to clean up the contact list that is causing problems by validating the email mailboxes. Contact your account manager who can offer you the email mailbox validation service.

Why is it important to have the SPAM WARNING and SPAM DETECTED alarms?

These alerts aim to protect the reputation of your communications. As the SPAM percentage increases, there is a risk of being blocked by email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo, among others, affecting the reputation of your domain, and the IP addresses assigned to your account, drastically reducing the delivery capability of your email campaigns.

What should you do to send the rest of the emails that have not yet been sent?

Once the alarm persists and the campaign stops, there may be a group of emails that have not yet received the communication. In this case, it is advisable to export the unsent segment from the reports and clean it up, checking for common errors such as: non-existent mailboxes (especially if the list is old), incorrectly spelled domains, inappropriate use of special characters within the email address, absence of the “@” in the address, among others. Once verified, the user can create a new segment with this data and send the communication to the remaining group. Contact your account manager who can offer you the email mailbox validation service.

To locate the email addresses that have not received the communication, it is advisable to export the “Not Sent” segment from the conversation reports, or use a marking node whose event is “Spam Detected” in your Database to view each of the addresses.

How can I avoid having the SPAM WARNING alarm and getting my lists blocked?

The best way to avoid the alert is by using optimized contact lists with a prior analysis of the most common errors. Another important way is to avoid using purchased lists, as these often do not have valid or updated email addresses, leading to a high likelihood of bounces that trigger SPAM alerts, negatively impacting the performance of your campaigns. Contact your account manager who can offer you the email mailbox validation service.

Updated on: 09/02/2024

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